Tuesday, September 27, 2011

From 4/3/11

Palpitated Bruce’s heart. She rubbed her legs together when she spoke of how cute he was. He stared through the screen door, while he clutched a fistful of invoices in his hand. He tried to piece together the boards of his garden bed that the plow-man had dislodged on his first December visit. She fed the chipmunk from her hand. Mockingly he brandished the whip the previous tenants had left him. Be writing these disconnected sentences, what am I adding to the storehouse? Would not time be better spent taking the recyclables to the woodshed?

The stalagmitic gray matter dripped from the subway ceiling as Deborah kissed me on the cheek. Stalin’s subway chandeliers outshined the automotive lights in Piccadilly. The flutter the black emperor butterfly makes unbalances its vernal equilibrium when the hummingbird homes to the nectar in the flower-bell or the flyswatter waves against the window screen without swatting the fly. But if swatted it only adds to the ordure flowing to the cesspool, whose sidewalls already swell from water-pressure. The wind upon the plain is the very same wind that threatens to blow the house down, and how it creaks, one erroneous misapplied layer added to another, then another, until the whole squat edifice settles comfortably upon the promontory. Our editorial policy tends toward the edgy.

Weathered driftwood withstands storms best, having a chance to petrify among the ferns. Amber coats the Paleolithic dragonfly just as Plexiglas the steel penny or golden dollar. Cave bear skull, elongated unlike the grizzly, calcined over like those sugar skulls in the Mexican Day of the Dead.

Mexican sugar skull, snapped apart and consumed in a handful of bites, hollow chocolate bunny likewise pried apart to melt in the mouth. Shells from secretions ground into masonry. Volutes crushed, the fretwork.

Garden plot, busted up, bougainvillea pot upturned above the soil, elevated trapezoid the roots and vines have held together for several months. Does my silence speak mouthfuls? Must you opine? Sunday shining through the windows a certain slant of light.

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