Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Mad Monk recommends

Your mad monk can't touch this guy. Beats Fence and the Orono conference too: Flarf beware!

Check out the Dec at:

Francis Dec

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thoughts on a diamond-studded skull by Damien Hirst (draft 1/08)

Regard the diamond skull that artist Damien Hirst construed
could be derived from diamonds hard-wired on a frame of mesh in cornrows,
small quincunxes as neatly arrayed as rows in the garden of Cyrus--
consider the value of even those most tearless of eye-sockets,
their edgy hollows lachrymose with nothing but artworld track-light.

Artist Damien Hirst has made a masterpiece no one can afford--
not even the most star- or diamond-studded semi-celebrity.
No insurance plan no Lloyd's can underwrite for the little skull
suspended in the bullet-proof plexiglass cage of the London gallery

the same thickness as the walls before Cash for Checks cubicles.

The eye-beams that the diamonds bend

a skull size of a primate's

Each diamond on the skull refracts one point of light
cupping in its precious radius another viewer, eye that as it alters all
beams back each gaze that hails it, each flashbulb-popping
camera angle. What papparazi member is not astonied, awed?

Each eye-beam joins each beam of light every discreet gem bends--
grin that gapes back at its buyer wannabe, each inert eyesocket
invested with millions, a world of mineral wealth in a worm-hole.

Such the conceits the brain-vault beams to the absent cortex.
Piece de resistance: being pinned to a pedestal. All along

the thoughts a botoxed skulls beam back: regard my void.