Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Draft 04?

Ask forgiveness. You have complained about others
To yourself, silently. You never vented publicly.
Nevertheless, your thoughts about them are too real.
You can touch your bad thoughts, and you suspect
That others divine them.
The boon of writing when half-asleep, when sleeping tempts.
When drowsy, you visualize the shape your sentences take—
They slink, wind and wrap down the page as a vine
Winds through a trellis or a water-snake writhes
Down a rocky bank to take a drink. The shape
Uncoils behind closed eyelids. The reading-lamp
Disperses the shape conceived in sleep, one foot
In sleep and one in short-term memory. Whatever
Did I eat for lunch—the answer remoter from
Your waking life than your first childhood memory.

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