Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some minute particulars

And when he spoke, he specified a polarized visor, bullet-proof vest,
Hollow shells, balaclava, and Kevlar helmet, he specified
Fragmentation bombs burning magnesium at 2200 degrees Fahrenheit,
Also a 9 mm Glock and Lee-Enfield with scope and serial number
Filed off the registration plate. He specified a leather-sheathed
Bowie knife and two pearl-handled snub-nosed pistols
To fit inside a pair of winterized Cabelas hunter’s boots
And six potassium cyanide capsules stuffed inside the breast pocket
Of a camouflaged surplus army jacket of the 10th Mountain Division
And he specified ampules of pure meth for he also specified fire,
And he specified two cell phones from two separate carriers
And a portable hand-held with frequencies for fire and police
And for every baby monitor in a twelve to twenty-five mile radius.
He specified a tablet computer with built-in Wi-Fi, enough MREs
Pilfered from neighboring commissaries to hole up in a bell tower
For three weeks; he specified canned water and sucrose tablets
For he who is willing and able to raise the cudgel against the evil
In this world on behalf of the Lord. He specified laser tracking,
And a fifty-meter perimeter of invulnerability and free-fire
On behalf of his messengers. He specifies the tiny logics of the drone
To elevate the righteous, drive the Amalekites from hearth and home.
He is specific, and he is literal. He doesn’t leave the details to you.
It’s His plan that He specifies and you are its vehicle and vessel. The book is open.

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