Wednesday, September 16, 2009


He wakes at night to write his verses down,
and then he shares them with the Rotarians.
His rhyming ineptitude can still amaze.

The local papers do a feature on him.
From this he gets more engagements, opines
on Catcher in the Rye (just about a spoiled brat).

The notebook in which he scribbles
his verses is pocket-sized. He memorizes quotes,
telling his students to do the same,

but do you think they really listen?
Sometimes he's forced to take the dolts from shop class
and make them do a proper business letter.

There is little hope they will ever leave
a roughly ten-mile perimeter.

Sure, the quarterback will get a break
and live to sell cars at the local Ford dealer.
Otherwise everyone is a total disappointment.

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